Publication date: 05.07.2022

Operation BG05SFPR003-1.001 “Hot Lunch”

Madan Municipality starts accepting applications – declarations of persons wishing to use the Hot Lunch social service under the “Hot Lunch in Madan Municipality” project.


The municipality of Madan is developing a project proposal “Hot lunch in the municipality of Madan”, with which it will apply under the Program for Food and Basic Material Support 2021-2027, European Social Fund Plus, Operation BG05SFPR003-1.001 “Hot Lunch” through the Social Assistance Agency for providing lunch for the period from 20.10.2022 until 31.01.2023 inclusive.

In fulfillment of the requirements of the project, the reception of applications-declarations of applicants for consumers from the municipality of Madan, who wish to receive a hot lunch, has begun.

Eligible for participation are representatives of the following target groups:

persons and families with no income or with low income, elderly families of pensioners and pensioners living alone who have low incomes, cannot support themselves with these incomes and their property and do not receive support from their relatives;
persons subject to social assistance, including from the circle of persons under Art. 4, para. 1 of the Ordinance, who are unable to meet their basic life needs and for whom a need for additional support has been established;
persons with low incomes who, due to existing disabilities or health limitations, have difficulty or impossible self-care, including single persons with permanent disabilities with low personal income from a pension, for whom there is no suitable candidate for an assistant under the personal assistance mechanism;
persons who, due to accidental circumstances, are in a difficult and vulnerable situation and for whom a need for this type of assistance has been established;
wandering and homeless persons;
persons from vulnerable groups – citizens of third countries, in the sense of § 1, item 17 of the additional provisions of the Act on Asylum and Refugees.
During the implementation of the project activities, a hot lunch including soup, main course, bread and at least once a week dessert will be provided on working days for the period from 10/20/2022. until 31.01.2023 incl. in a public catering establishment – Madan, as well as by delivery to the consumer’s place of residence. The cost of a lunch is BGN 3.20. The users of the social service will also be provided with accompanying measures according to the project.

Those wishing to use the service can submit the following documents:

  • Application – declaration by model;

-Declaration of consent for disclosure of tax and social security information according to a sample.

The acceptance of the documents starts from 03.10.2022. and will continue until 07.10.2022. in the administrative building of MADAN MUNICIPALITY, floor 2, office No. 214 every working day from 08.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Those who wish to use the Hot Lunch service will have the opportunity to submit documents also after 07.10.2022, and after a check by the “Social Assistance” Directorate – Madan, the eligible persons will be included in the reserve list.

The membership of the identified persons to the eligible target groups will be confirmed by the Social Assistance Directorate – Madan. The selection of users will be carried out by a Commission appointed by the Mayor of Madan Municipality. Approved users will be notified.

Persons with incomes exceeding the poverty threshold of BGN 413.00 will not be included in the social service.

The project is coordinated by the Agency for Social Assistance, in the capacity of the Managing Authority of the Program for Food and Basic Material Assistance 2021-2027, financed by the European Social Fund Plus.

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